Friday, April 2, 2010

The Last Song

There, we've got that out of our system -
K and I are doing this as a joint post and we still are finding it hard to string two words together thanks to the extreme hotness of Liam Hemsworth.Firstly to give you a serious review of the film..... over to K.

We kind of knew it was the sort of film we'd both enjoy, it had all the factors, written by Nicholas Sparks, set at the beach, young love, hot young cast, (I must say, I was dubious about the whole Miley thing -she of too many teeth-(K speaking here of course!) so went in with high hopes and we weren't disappointed. We were mesmerised from start to finish. The story was really cute, and had enough substance to keep us interested , and the acting definitely held up. We can all hold our heads high in regards to our little Aussie friend Liam (more about him later). Miley definitely knows how to work it and I found Greg Kinnear absolutely endearing as the estranged father. Kelly Preston , although her time on screen is limited, is perhaps the weakest in a very likable cast. Without giving away too much, if you are intending to see this film, take a couple of tissues, remember it is called THE LAST SONG, not the first song or the middle song, just a warning. My eyes are still puffed as I type!!!

Note: The film has the best beach volleyball scene since TOP GUN. Watch out for it, worth the wait. Now back to the hotness that is the Hemsworth.......over to J.......

K and I have slowly been coming around to the idea that Liam may actually have potential, after initial scepticism. Over the months of production we've kept an eye on the Last Song set and been very pleased with what we have seen, he interviews well, he has a great sense of humour and seems very grounded. Now that we have actually seen the film we've realised to our delight that he is also a genuinely good actor! AND DID I MENTION THAT HE IS HOT?!! From the moment he showed up on screen K and I were hooked. He has the star quality of a certain other young actor who figures heavily on Star's Hollow - Mr Zac Efron.

If you do go and see 'The Last Song' (which you should after this glowing review) keep your pants on when he flashes those baby blues, or cracks a smile. In fact hold on to your seats for the first kiss too - it's a winner.
Just a quick note too about Miley - I thought she was great. She was very appealing and believable as Ronnie and I thought she did a brilliant job.


dancing in beaumont said...


Anonymous said...

ok then - i will see it. purely because of the glowing review !

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