I want you to watch it first, before I give you my thoughts.....
ok, so I know I have been ridiculously excited about this film, I so loved the book, and the film had everything going for it. Amazing cast, the first poster is one of the best I've seen, but the trailer is leaving me a little cold. I love Anne, but the accent? Not so sure. And the trailer doesn't really flow or tell me much. Am I assking too much from a trailer or just been too excited too early. I'll watch it a few more times and see how I go.
Oh and it has been a long wait - although he is as evil as all f--k, I've missed him and I'm so happy to see him again. These are the first pics of Clark Kent and Lex Luthor facing off in the series finale of Smallville. The finale features the return of Michael Rosenbaum as Lex, which airs its two-hour closer on Friday, May 13.
Just something a little different for your Saturday night. A Scandi fave of mine, Sondre Lerche is just about to release a new album. You may remember their music from the film 'DAN IN REAL LIFE'.
And not just because Chris Hemsworth looks like this in the film. He totally doesn't suck. In fact he is ace! As is Natalie Portman, Ket Dennings etc It's action, it's mythology, it's funny, and it has Chris Hemsworth looking like this!!!! I just got sucked in by Marvel and loved it. Not usually your thing, give it a shot, you will enjoy!
This looks lovely! Based on the beautiful book of the same name stars one of my new faves, Emma Stone in the lead role.
Set in Mississippi during the 1960s, Skeeter (Stone) is a southern society girl who returns from college determined to become a writer, but turns her friends' lives -- and a small Mississippi town -- upside down when she decides to interview the black women who have spent their lives taking care of prominent southern families. Aibileen (Davis), Skeeter's best friend's housekeeper, is the first to open up -- to the dismay of her friends in the tight-knit black community. Despite Skeeter's life-long friendships hanging in the balance, she and Aibileen continue their collaboration and soon more women come forward to tell their stories -- and as it turns out, they have a lot to say. Along the way, unlikely friendships are forged and a new sisterhood emerges, but not before everyone in town has a thing or two to say themselves when they become unwittingly -- and unwillingly -- caught up in the changing times
April, and a movie to promote have given us some great Bledel action. Lovely to see 'Rory' out and about and I'm looking forward to seeing her new offering - the remake of 'The Conspirator'. Starring Robin Wright (Penn) and James McAvoy and directed by Robert Redford.
It tells the story of the woman charged with being a co-conspirator in the assassination trial of Abraham Lincoln.
I wish that i was the one that had messed up Ryan's hair.......and best that the rest of that thought stay in my head!!!!!!
Here he is in Ontario cruising a vintage shop.
PS I hear through the grapevine that an official complaint has been made about the over abundance of Keith postings in the recent past. Please note, that this situation has now been rectified and my subeditor is now in a much better headspace!! More Ryan to come!!!!
It's the moment you've all been waiting for - the moment you finally find out who wears a Man Cardigan best. This man not only looks bloody amazing every single time he dons one but he is fully committed to the Man Cardigan and wears one whenever he can. He was brave enough to embrace this article of clothing at quite a young age and has made it his own. I give you our winner.....
Picture yourselves a hot masked horseman, The Lone Ranger, fighting evil with his faithful sidekick, Tonto. Now picture Ryan Gosling as the Lone Ranger and Johnny Depp as Tonto, and tell me you don't have a renewed interest in the crime fighting of the old West? This is all possible. Johnny has already signed up, and apparently Ryan is just trying to make a way to fit it into his busy schedule. Gore Verbinski will direct.
Adam has been delighting us with his cardigan wearing for many years, his character Seth was also a big fan. I think Adam may have single handedly brought the cardy back into the public eye long before others got on board. There is only one other person who wears a man cardy with more style than Adam and you'll meet him tomorrow - for now feast your eyes on a man who does it oh-so-well...