Thursday, October 14, 2010

Glee Duets - Where Was Puck?

In last night's 'Duets' episode of GLEE our favourite school bully was noticeably absent.
The first words out of Mr. Schuester's mouth last night were that Puck was serving time in a juvenile detention center (hilarious) and would not be able to participate in the duets competition.
What happened to Mark Salling? Why was he absent from an episode that focused entirely on New Directions? And apparently he does not make an appearance next week either.

Rumours have been rife for a while that Mark Salling is so focused on his music career and the release of his album that Glee has taken a back seat. There was even rumours that the director was so peeved he had ditched Mark from episodes as a slap on the wrist. Whatever the reason I hope this is not the beginning of the end for Puck.
He makes a return in episode 6 which I hear is very focused on Puck's character, so we'll just have to wait for our fix until then.

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