Saturday, November 6, 2010

Am I a nanna????

I would like an opinion of someone younger than myself on this this an appropriate outfit to wear outside your home?? Seriously? I'm pretty sure she forgot a major article of clothing here, Does this girl have a mother or a stylist or a best friend or just someone to remind her that she forgot to put on pants, dress, top etc... Am i a fuddy duddy for thinking this or is this how the kiddies like to be seen these days???? (actually I might be a fuddy duddy for using the term 'fuddy duddy'!!!)


Kell said...

Don't think I count as younger, but I am hearing you loud and clear and nodding my head all the way K. What sensible responsible mother lets her teenage daughter out in public like this. Wanna be Rockstar or not, it is just wrong!

JK said...

and for using the term 'kiddies'

Lizeylou said...

She is just wrong on so many levels .... wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong!!

oh, and I am not even going to comment on the fuddy duddy bit .. hehehe!

Ambi said...

HARSH this is how i always dress, you just don't see me out of work much, i'm usually hanging out in heroin dens

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