Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ryan's awards work!

No, he hasn't won anything he has been nominated for, and he was ridiculously not nominated for an Oscar, but what a great awards season he has had. He mingled and giggled up a treat. That photo below of him and, that excites me. Does that mean when I marry Ryan we will be having dinner parties with Kevin and Kyra? Too much to think about!

He laughed with Olivia Wilde, and schmoozed with JLo, and hung out with Michelle. Look at the way he is holding her neck in that bottom not be surprised if at some time in the future these two declare themselves to be a couple. I am still hoping he may be called up as a presenter at the Oscars, afterall, he does have a big Steve Carrell comedy coming out this year! In the meantime, let's just appreciate the Gos.............


JK said...

I'm almost at the point of wishing Ryan would stop going to events just so you free up this blog a little. If Billy Ray can't stop you I don't know what will!!!

Anonymous said...

He is divine I'm so in love after watching blue Val twice. I can't wait for him and Michelle to announce their love- they are SO together "creatively".

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