Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Too Good For The Comments Page!! Enjoy.

I have been scanning this blog to find an appropriate spot to say.... are you kidding about billy ray??? he may have changed his look and he may have hannah montanna for a daughter but he will always have sung and been in the video clip for achey breaky heart...and that ladies is as close to a crime as you get without a law to forbid it!!!!
and by the way as a family member of k...im glad to see she has found somewhere to channel her energy in a way that the broader community can benefit... ive said to her over and over...'lady...you cant stay small...take it to the people!!! you are the Barack Obama of entertainment... go out there 'and give people hope...there are those who need to know you exist... individuls home alone listening to 80s music, looking lovingly at the cover of a gilmour girls dvd and wondering are the 80s back or did i just never leave them...Im so lost and confused...i need guidance'
k said to me i dont know i'll run it by j and see what we can do' and yesterday she got back to me and she said... "yes we can! we can give those people a place to belong" and here i find the fruits of your labour! may people come to this blog and find the light of hope....


Ally said...

Ok J this is now a Billy war as K has got family involved ........ we need people to vote for Billy being "Hot" even bribe them if we have to!!!!!!

JK said...

I agree - GO BILLY RAY - we love you!!!

dancing in beaumont said...

Are you ladies really sure you are prepared to go this public with your 'love' for Billy Ray? I think it is kind of a bit weird and creepy and seems more of a joke than something you can truly believe in! check the votes, my family is not that big!!!!

Kell said...

Sorry J, I have to agree with K on this one. I just can't get past 'Achy Breaky' and that awful mullet.

Ally said...

He's even improoved with age,not many men can do that!!!! Look at J's recent post and proof of the fact.Agree the mullet didn't do much for him but those eyes .......... :-)

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