Saturday, August 1, 2009

Oh Jude!

“Jude Law can confirm that, following a relationship last year, he has been advised that he is to be the father of a child due in the fall of this year. Mr. Law is no longer in a relationship with the individual concerned but he intends to be a fully supportive part of the child’s life. This is an entirely private matter and no other statements will be made.”


dancing in beaumont said...

so cute, so wrong! such a waste of a pretty face!!!

Kell said...

At least he is man enough to own up to it. Surely he is aware of condoms or is it a case of all brawn and no brains. Perhaps there was way too much alcohol involved and that impaired his judgement. Either way, I agree with Krissa - such a waste!

Lizeylou said...

Not surprising really - often the Hot ones arent that smart! Should've kept it in his pants...

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