Saturday, August 22, 2009

Twitter Update

Kristen is pissed off and she's not going to take it any more...

IMKristenBell read in star mag that i fell asleep making eggs, set off an alarm & almost burned my house down till neighbors banged down my door & woke me

IMKristenBell which by the way, never happened.

IMKristenBell people actually get paid to make things up. that story wasnt even interesting or funny and someone got paid for it. boggles my mind.

IMKristenBell go to , is the only place they tell the truth and bust everyone else for being a dingbat & paying their bills by fibbing.

IMKristenBell this weekend im planning on wheeling my grill indoors and searing a feast, then playing opossum till my neighbors come and pick my locks.

IMKristenBell listen. i fell asleep in a carwash recliner last weekend! but nobody printed that!

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